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Personal style | stylenua

Hey everyone,

Today I wanted to talk about something that is a huge part of all of our lives, and that is our personal style. Fashion and style are two very different things and I consider myself a style blogger over a fashion blogger. I don’t follow fashion trends closely and I certainly cannot afford designer clothes, but would like to think that I have a good sense of style.

It always surprises me that many people don’t know the difference between fashion and style. Fashion is the trends in shops and various fashion houses, but style is something extremely unique and personal to everyone. Style also spans into more than just clothing: style is also the way you do your hair, or makeup, or the design of your bedroom.

Let me use my style as an example. Most of my clothes are in dark colours. I think that dark colours suit me, and a lot of the people whose style I admire also wear dark clothes (see Lauren Jauregui, Taylor Momsen, Debby Ryan, Troye Sivan, Zendaya Coleman, and all of the characters in AHS: Coven). Again, these people are also involved in the music I listen to and the TV show I watch so that is another element of my personal style. My hairstyles and past hair colours have been influenced by the many styles of Hayley Williams of Paramore and YouTuber and musician Emma Blackery. All of these things summed up creates what I deem to be my personal style, and a large amount of the things I am interested in.

In true tumblr fashion, your style is quite like your aesthetic: “A set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic movement” (oxforddictionaries.com). Think of your personal style like the artistic movement that you are creating to show to the world. Your personal style represents your personality, influences, hopes, dreams, strengths, best features. Your personal style could be largely influenced by 60s American culture, or by the profession you are in, but regardless, that is yours and no one can tell you what your personal style is. If you don’t know what your personal style is then take a look at the clothes you wear, the films you watch, the books you read, the music you listen to, and the people whose style you admire: they are all things that influence your personal style. Then just tailor it to suit your mood and you have your own unique personal style!

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know what influences your personal style and if you like the style of anyone/thing that I have mentioned!

Much love,

JMG, stylenua.

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