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long time no see | stylenua

It’s been a while.

This blog has been pretty neglected recently, and while I’m pretty sad I haven’t been updating and improving my posts and content, I’m also very relieved. 

Inspiration is a difficult thing, especially when talking about style and fashion. For the past while I have been feeling uninspired and that reflected in content I tried to make. 
I didn’t think anything was good enough to post, and eventually I stopped trying.

I think that was for the best. 

Coming back to my blog posts now, and re-reading old posts, I can see where the passion lay in my writing. I wanted to find that passion again, and when I found it I would feel comfortable enough to begin posting again.

Now, while I don’t know for sure if I’ve found it again, I’m feeling very happy with myself and my achievements in life. 
I graduated from university and for the past year I have been doing an MA programme which I will be graduating from in December. 

I’ve also learned a lot about myself in the past year, and tried my best to improve myself, whether that’s by changing my hair or deciding to learn a new language (and re-learn another). 

I think that’s what inspiration is to me. 

Photo by Youjin.

It’s the constant improvement and change I feel in my life, which gives me new experiences and new outlooks on life. 
In the world of lifestyle and fashion blogging things can get a little tedious, so I think it’s best that I continue to create content about things I enjoy, and not whatever is trendy online currently. 

I love this blog, and I hope I can keep writing on it for as long as possible. 

I hope you enjoy the posts I make in the future, even if they are a little different from what I’ve done before. 
The most important thing to me is creative expression and I hope that mine shows in the work I publish from this point on. 

Photo by Ara.

While I haven’t been producing much content over the past year, I took a trip with a friend recently which has resulted in this short but meaningful video where I can keep my memories. You can watch it here.

I’ve scattered some photos I’m proud of throughout this post as a sort of catch-up, and I hope to take many more in the future.